What Did Jesus Do?

Living Waters Publications wants to offer church Pastors a FREE DOWNLOAD* of the book entitled What Did Jesus Do? (It is close to 1 MB in size, so please be patient with the download.) However, you are equally welcome to purchase a copy from their online store. Either way, this book will answer many of the questions you may have regarding the use of the Law in evangelism.
Three chapters of this book are devoted to Jesus and His use of the Ten Commandments to reach the lost. Two chapters are devoted to Paul's evangelistic use of the Law. Paul imitated Jesus. So did Stephen, James, Peter, John the Baptist, and Jude. So did Spurgeon, Wesley, Whitefield, and others down through the ages. Each of these men of God did what Jesus did: they used the Law to reach the lost.
*The book download is provided in Acrobat (pdf) format. If you have trouble opening it, you may need to download and install a fresh copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader which is a free program you can download at this location: http://www.adobe.com/
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