Open Air Preaching

Overall, it was a very good day because the gospel was preached and people were pointed to God's word which I proclaimed, "is reliable, trustworthy, inerrant -- which means without any error or contradiction. If you see contradictions in the bible, you're just reading it wrong. You can totally take God at His word! You can trust what he says about salvation and you can trust what he says about sin." I talked about repentance and faith, the Law and the sinfulness of our sin, and even proved the existence of God! It was awesome.
I was able share the gospel many times and point people to trusting in God's Word as reliable and trustworthy. I also encouraged people to go to church. Many people came up to me during the day to thank me for taking a stand for Christ. I am grateful for what God has done in me and for me, and I want to see men and women put their trust in Christ, repent of their sins, and be saved.
Here is a link to listen to an audio clip of part of the preaching from today. It's a little distorted because the microphone was in my front pocket and I was talking loudly. You can click this link and listen online or right click and "save target as" to save it to your computer. Enjoy!
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